Where art thou?

Tuesday 15 September 2009

The death of a knight, a king, and a star

22nd January 2008, Heath Ledger left the world.

I wasn't really a fan of Heath Ledger, but i must say, he was a heart-throb. He had good acting skills and the best, in my opinion, was shown when he acted as the joker in The Dark Knight. I loved him in 10 Things I Hate About You. He had the sweetest smile! my sister was a fan of his and i told her about his death and i think she was really upset about it. :( It's such a pity to loose such a young actor who have yet a long way to go in the world of great movies. May u rest in peace Heath.

25th June 2009, Michael Jackson left the world.

His death was really a shock to me. My mom texted me about his death and i was stunned. I didn't expect, off all people, M.J. would pass away. U know, cause with all his This Is It tour and how big it's gonna be. I watched tribute for him on MTV. I cried my heart out watching his close frens n family trying their very best to be strong while giving their speeches. The next day i had two big swalloned eyes and my mom dare not ask me about it. huhu. He has influenced generations of musicians and music. No one in this world can dance like Michael Jackson. He is truly, one of a kind. May u rest in peace M.J.

15th September 2009, Patrick Swayze left the world.

He was famous for his role in Dirty Dancing but I liked watching him in this movie called To Wong Foo, Thanks For Everything!. It's a movie about 3 drag queens going on an adventure looking for Julie Newmar. Swayze played the role of the leading drag queen. His two co-stars, or co-drag queens hehe, were Wesley Snipes and John Leguizamo. He was so pretty in that movie! (as compared to the other two.. hahah). His death was expected i guess as he was in a critical condition. Then again, i think he had the time of his life :) . May u rest in peace, Patrick Swayze.

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