AAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! TAK NAK PERGI BTN!!!!!!!!!!!! urgh! seriously tak nak pergi..... gosh.. why oh why?! god... today is such a mixed up feeling for me... i'm feeling happysad.. :)( ahahha pelik lah pulak emoticon dia... ANYWAY, finally i bought myself a pair of skinny jeans!!! oh yeah baby! :P joy to the world! hehe.. then i went to isi minyak with my bestfren.. baru first time belajar isi minyak tadi.. huhuhu.. selama ni suruh baiya kat situ tolong isikan.. oh yeah.. forgot to cerita.. last sunday yg pergi rasta ngan my bestfren, Azdianur.. we actually got lost! HAHAHAHA! boleh ker.. well mmg boleh.. how?! she took the wrong turning and i think we ended up somewhere in kg. sg. penchala.. and there was this one road.. gosh it was bloody creepy and so dark.. jln dia sempit giler.. mmg muat untuk satu kereta jer.. and then.. if i'm not mistaken.. along the road.. on the left was tanah perkuburan.. cause from my condominium i could c one plot of tanah perkuburan and i think that was it.. didn't tell azdianur at that time.. takut freaked her out.. so i just told her to like.. terus jer terus jer jalan.. after that i told her and she was like "omg raje.. takut kite.. " mmg menakutkan babe.. can't deny it..
oh yeah, back to the midvalley part.. i saw a few familiar faces just now.. first collegemate that i saw, shazwan diamond @ classmate acc! 2nd familiar face! meor garnet! was walking right behind him.. but tak tegur sebab saya malu (tak kenal dia sangat).. and plus dia kat depan.. camner nak tegur kan.. 3rd n 4th! Laila dan balaknya, Zul! hihihi.. this couple, i tak nak kacau sooo.. i tak tegur la.. plus i don't think they saw me.. so hanya sekadar lalu jer.. 5th familiar face! Wardina... she looked a bit pale though just now... 6th! tak ingat nama dia apa.. that girl yang berlakon cerita "Cili2 Padi" yang hari tuh masuk that show yang artis2 nari2 tuh.. husband dia kurus giler babs tuh.. well u know who i'm talking about right?! ha yang tuh lar.. yeah.. oh.. i saw C... remember i told u that i think C's not interested in me anymore.. i think i'm right.. saw him with a girl.. well then, good for u! :) speaking of this.. MY MOM... straight forward giler tadi.. i think she's worried that i'm gonna end up as an andartu / andalusia cause she asked me to go look for a bf.. i told her secara straight forward nya jugak.. i'm not desperate... muahahaha! but the good thing is.. now dia kasi green light kalau i nak kuar dgn guys! kalau tidak punya lah susah.. kena go thru like some kind of interview gituh.. hahahaha! kite lah yang kene go thru that interview.. haih.. mama mama.. no worries.. kite chill dulu.. tgk2 siapa yg interested.. HAHAHAHAH!!! ish ish.. k k, adios amigos! till we meet again..
7 years ago
omg, soraya wants to have a boyfren.ape lagi, sila isi borang ye guys..haha
hek eh.. i didn't say i WANT a boyfren.. don't get me wrong.. by the way.. who are u ape?
sorayaaa kenapa awak x tego saye dan zulll? :| merajokla cmni
waaa sorry.. but korang tgh borak2 mesra.. soo i tak tegur...
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